The National Broadband Network (NBN) is a new and great step towards growth in the field of telecommunication. NBN will substitute the old conventional copper wiring system for broadband in Australia and the new fiber-based network would be introduced. This new system is going to be faster and convenient and will be helpful in an overall faster network.
This new system sounds all shiny but is there any cons of this system, and if yes, then what are these and how are they going to affect the ones connected with the previous system. We’ll discuss primarily the effects NBN (National Broadband Network) will have on the home alarm and security systems as these are the most crucial elements that will be affected.
Getting an NBN connection
Getting a new National Broadband Network connection is fairly easy and all you need to do is to contact your service provider and they do it for you. The process involves disconnecting the older network and setting up the NBN based system. But keep in mind that not all areas support this fiber-based connection that is why you need to have a confirmation first.
In this setup, your existing telephone lines will be disconnected and a new NBN connection box will be put to action. With the telephone line, you’ll get a new internet connection. As a result of this disconnection, your existing alarm and security system will stop working.
The NBN connection box has a special UNI-V port that is meant to replace your old analog phone line and connect you with a new one. You can pair any device to this new system, even if it is not compatible just by using this UNI-V port. It sounds like an ideal option but is if not.
Self-monitored Alarm systems
For those who use a self-monitored alarm system and don’t want it to stop working, you will need a 3G/4G commuter that can be connected to give you updates of is activated or not. This commuter not only helps to restore your system’s working but you can also use your telephone simply by plugging it in this commuter. This commuter looks like an internet router and because this replaced your old phone, you will receive your notifications directly.
Professional alarm systems
For alarm systems that use back-to-base monitoring, you will have to install an alarm communicator that can bypass the NBN system. For this, you can use the recommended Permaconn PM 24. It is very reliable because it uses the battery of the alarm panel to back itself up during power cuts.
The cost of the whole installation process would be about $199, and you’ll have to $1.50 for the monitoring purpose. Permaconn PM 24 uses no wire that makes it more reliable than the wired ones plus you can remotely program it. The introduction of this new fiber-based network system has some downsides but the advantages are more when the disadvantages are counted.